
Common Questions

What are the official links?

Please be aware there are bound to be a lot of scams and fake websites / twitter accounts trying to steal your ApeCoin and/or NFTs. If you're unsure you should only use official links.

The official link to ApeCoin is https://apecoin.com

The official link to the staking website is https://apestake.io

The official link to the staking contract documentation is https://docs.apestake.io

The official twitter account for ApeCoin is @apecoin

The official twitter account for HorizenLabs is @HorizenLabs

Can I unstake or withdraw anytime?

Yes, there is no locking period for withdrawing staked apecoin or claiming rewards.

When I stake do my NFTs leave my wallet?

No, only the ApeCoin gets deposited into the contract. Your NFTs act as "keys" to withdraw or claim any apecoin rewards, if you don't hold the NFT you can't get the ApeCoin out of the contract, but the new owner can.

If I stake into an NFT pool (BAYC, MAYC, BAKC) can I sell my NFT?

You should first withdraw all apecoin paired with the NFT or you will lose access to it.

What are the maximum limits for staking?

  • ApeCoin pool: No limit
  • Bored Ape Yacht Club pool: 10094
  • Mutant Ape Yacht Club pool: 2042
  • Bored Ape Kennel Club pool: 856

Is this site safe?

I hope so, I've tried my best to ensure that all information is accurate and interactions with the apecoin and staking contracts are correct. All the source code is open-source and available on GitHub. That being said there are still risks involved, and I assume no liability or provide any warranty.

Got a question that I didn't answer?

Send a tweet or DM @ApeCollector on twitter and I'll do my best to get you an answer!